22 publications: 5 First Author, 1 Corresponding Author, 1 prospective Corresponding/Senior Author, 1 first author commentary
Machedo P, Allison L, Penn M, Fleck R*, Devoy A* (2024) AI-driven segmentation and volume analysis of SBF-SEM images from complex biological samples (In process, submission July 2024)
Milioto C, Carcolé M, Giblin A, Coneys R, et al. (2024) PolyGR and polyPR knock-in mice reveal a conserved neuroprotective extracellular matrix signature in C9orf72 ALS/FTD neurons. Nat Neurosci. Feb 29. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38424324
Devoy A, Price G, De Giorgio F, Bunton-Stasyshn R, et al. (2021) Generation and analysis of innovative genomically humanized knockin SOD1, TARDBP (TDP-43), and FUS mouse models. iScience 24(12):103463 PMID: 34988393
Birsa N, Ule AM, Garone MG, Tsang B, et al. (2021) FUS-ALS mutants alter FMRP phase separation equilibrium and impair protein translation. Sci Adv. (30):eabf8660 PMID: 34290090
Reber S, Jutzi D, Lindsay H, Devoy A, et al. (2021) The phase separation-dependent FUS interactome reveals nuclear and cytoplasmic function of liquid-liquid phase separation. Nucleic Acids Res. 49(13):7713-7731. PMID: 34233002
Jutzi D, Campagne S, Schmidt R, Reber S, et al. (2020) Aberrant interaction of FUS with the U1 snRNA provides a molecular mechanism of FUS induced Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Nat Comms. 11(1):6341 PMID: 33311468
Humphrey J, Birsa N, Milioto C, Robaldo D, et al. (2020) FUS ALS-causative mutations impair FUS autoregulation and splicing factor networks through intron retention. Nucleic Acids Res. 48(12):6889-6905 PMID: 32479602
Sleigh J, Tosolini AP, Gordon D, Devoy A, et al. (2020) Mice Carrying ALS Mutant TDP-43, but Not Mutant FUS, Display In Vivo Defects in Axonal Transport of Signaling Endosomes. Cell Rep. 30(11):3655-3662.e2 PMID: 32187538
Devoy A*, Kalmar B, Stewart M, Park H, et al. (2017) Humanised mutant FUS drives progressive motor neuron degeneration without aggregation in ‘FUSDelta14’ knockin mice. Brain, 140(11):2797-2805 (*corresponding author) PMID: 29053787
McKinnon C, Goold R, Andre R, Devoy A, et al. (2016) Prion-mediated neurodegeneration is associated with early impairment of the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Acta Neuropathol. 131(3):411-25 PMID:26646779
Chassefeyre R, Martínez-Hernández J, Bertaso F, Bouquier N, et al. (2015) Regulation of postsynaptic function by the dementia-related ESCRT-III subunit CHMP2B. J Neurosci 35:3155-73 PMID: 25698751
Mizielinska S, Grönke S, Niccoli T, Ridler CE, et al. (2014) C9orf72 repeat expansions cause neurodegeneration in Drosophila through arginine-rich proteins. Science. Sep 5; 345:1192-4. PMID: 25103406
Fratta P, Polke JM, Newcombe J, Mizielinska S, et al. (2014) Screening a UK amyotrophic lateral sclerosis cohort provides evidence of multiple origins of the C9orf72 expansion. Neurobiol Aging. Aug 1. pii: S0197-4580(14)00506-5 PMID: 25179228
Fratta P, Charnock J, Collins T, Devoy A, et al. (2013) Profilin1 E117G is a moderate risk factor for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. Dec 5 PMID:24309268
Fratta P, Collins, T, Pemble, S, Nethisinghe, S, et al. (2013) Sequencing analysis of the SBMA CAG expansion reveals absence of repeat interruptions. Neurobiology of Ageing 35: 433.e1-3 PMID:24041967
Devoy, A, Bunton-Stasyshyn, RKA, Tybulewicz, VLJ, Smith, AJH, et al. (2012) Genomically humanized mice: technologies and promise. Nature Rev Genet 13: 14-20 PMID:22179716
Devoy, A, Fisher, EMC (2009) Commentary for Alzforum on Perlson et al A switch in retrograde signaling from survival to stress in rapid-onset neurodegeneration. J. Neurosci 29: 9903-9917
Bedford, L., Hay, D., Devoy, A., Paine, S., et al. (2008) Depletion of 26S proteasomes in mouse brain neurons causes neurodegeneration and Lewy-like inclusions resembling human pale bodies. J Neurosci. 28 8189-98. PMID:18701681
De Vita S, Devoy A, Groet J, Kruslin B, et al. (2008) Megakaryocyte hyperproliferation without GATA1 mutation in foetal liver of a case of Down syndrome with hydrops foetalis. Br J Haematol. Oct;143(2) :300-3. PMID: 18699852
Devoy A, Soane T, Welchman R, Mayer RJ. (2005) The Ubiquitin-Proteasome System and Cancer. Essays Biochem. 41:187-203. PMID:16250906
Devoy, AF. Dyet KH, Martin DR. (2005) Stability of PorA during a meningococcal disease epidemic. J Clin Microbiol. 43(2):832-7. PMID: 15695688
Dyet K, Devoy A, McDowell R, Martin D. (2005) New Zealand's epidemic of meningococcal disease described using molecular analysis: implications for vaccine delivery. Vaccine. 18;23(17-18):2228-30. PMID: 15755601